Fix Instagram this song is currently unavailable

This tutorial on how to fix Instagram This song is currently unavailable on error that you are encountering while watching reels or stories.

Recently while uploading reel videos on i faced an error, i.e. Instagram keeps saying the song is unavailable which makes me frustrated. I started to search for the reason and solution and successfully fixed this error. As other users are also in search of the solution, we are posting the solution.


We had posted various error solutions like This Story is unavailable Instagram and today, we are providing the solution for music not available.

Now, without wasting more time, let’s proceed with why do we face this error and what are the solutions to fix this issue.

Why do we face song is unavailable Instagram error?

There are multiple reasons behind the error and we have listed all of them along with the solution. So start following the tutorial and understand the cause.

1. Copyright Issues

Instagram is strict when it comes to using copyrighted images, audio, or video. This is the most common reason why is the song currently unavailable on Instagram due to copyright issues.

If a user uses audio on video or reel and then the app mutes that audio you get this error the is a possibility that the audio had a copyright claim.

2. Outdated version of the app

Instagram constantly works on the app to make the app compatible, add new features and patch bugs. If your phone app’s auto-update is off there is the possibility that the app is not on the latest version. Sometime after releasing a major app update, Instagram drops support to the older version and forces users to update the app. 

In some instances, there is the possibility that you are getting errors on Instagram i.e. song is not available due to an outdated app version.

3. Regional Availability

Instagram Music Isn't Available in Your Region

Some songs and audio are available for certain regions or countries only. If the audio on the reels or video is not available for the region from which you are watching, you will get this error. App mosty shows this music is not available in your region if this is the cause but there are instances you encounter another error message as well.

Now that we have learned what are the reasons behind Instagram this music is not available error, Now let’s proceed with the tutorial to fix this error.

How To Fix Instagram This Song Is Currently Unavailable

There can be multiple reasons why you face this song unavailable error while using a particular song on reels or video. Here are all the possible solutions to resolve the issue. So start following the solutions one by one.

1. Avoid copyright on Instagram Reels

If you are a creator and your video music is showing this error after posting reels or stories, you should try to use another audio. The easiest way to avoid copyright claims on Instagram videos or reels is to use audio from the app itself.

These are copyright-free and won’t cause any issues in using them. There is no way to use copyrighted content on Instagram and hence to fix this you should avoid using them.

2. Disable VPN or Proxy

As we had discussed above, the possible reason for the error is regional restriction. Some audios are not available for certain regions. Using a VPN can change your region and if you are using a VPN or proxies on your phone you might 

If you want to use audio for a particular video, you can use VPN and upload that from the country in which that audio is allowed to post. To watch the reels which is not available for your region lock, you can use VPN and select the region in which it is allowed.

We had posted a detailed tutorial on Fix Couldn’t load image tap to retry instagram if your are facing issue on posting on the app.

3. Clear Cache

Using a VPN to access the Instagram app can reset your reels and video feed and you are getting content with songs or audio not available for your country.

Another basic troubleshooting that you can try is clearing your app cache. If you are facing this error issue in all the videos or reels from the feed then this might be the issue of the app cache created by the app because of the use of VPN. To fix this, you can try clearing your cache and then try again.

4. Wait till Instagram 

If clearing the app case your problem is not fixed yet, this must be app technical glitch. It is observed that sometimes, due to technical errors of the app, songs, audio, and videos become unavailable and cause this music not available error.

In this case, you can do nothing but wait for a certain time and let the app fix the issue.

5. Reinstall the Instagram application

In the case after waiting also you are getting all your videos with the same error, you can try re-login to the account. After login, check if your problem is solved or not. If you continue to encounter the error, you can try reinstalling the app in your smartphone.

Here are the steps that you need to follow to reinstall the application.

6. Contact Instagram support

After re-installing the Instagram app and trying all the above solutions, you are still getting the error message, there is only one solution that you are left with is contact to Instagram and report the problem.  This problem can be account-specific which can only be solved by the app. Reach out to them and explain the problem with the screenshots.

It will take approximately 2-3 days to get a reply from the Instagram support team and they will definitely fix your issue.

FAQ (This song is currently unavailable on Instagram)

1. How to Fix This song is currently unavailable Instagram reel after posting?

The most common reason for the music not available error is the copyright claim on the song. Try to use another music in the video and you won’t face this error. Apart from that, you can also use VPN and check if this is due to region availability or not.

2. How to add unavailable songs on Instagram story?

First, you need to check if error is the result of music not available for the reason. After that, use a VPN and change the location, and upload the story or reel with the song.

3. Can you change music on a reel after posting?

Yes, if after the posting reel video, your music is removed from the reel, stories or video, you can get an option to add music to that video.

4. Can Instagram remove audio from reels?

Yes, if music violates the copyright or you have used the audio without the owner’s permission, Instagram can mute the audio.

Wrapping Up

Hope this tutorial on Instagram this song is currently unavailable helped you to understand the error and fix it. The most common reason for unavailable songs on the app is the song is deleted by Instagram due to copyright issue. If you want use to cover any other problem then let us know in the comment section.

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Ronak Prajapatit is a Chemical Engineer by profession and a Part-Time blogger. He is a passionate tech blogger who likes to share his knowledge and helped to troubleshoot problems of computers and PC.

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