Facebook FAKE Accounts are in fashion nowadays. Search for any person’s profile and you will get lots of accounts that are fake search. Today, Solutionexist will Show You The way to Identify fake Facebook Accounts.
These tips for identifying fake Facebook IDs is not limited to Facebook, but you can use these to identify Fake IDs on Other Social Networking Sites as well as Twitter or, to some extent, Instagram. Sometimes Guys use fake girls’ Profile To Fool Us, and they use Gorgeous Model Celebrity Photos and Appeal To send requests to them and Accept Request From Them. Mostly, the person uses photos of models who are not famous, like Bollywood or Hollywood celebrities, so they can fake that up.

This detailed tutorial will teach you how to identify a fake Facebook ID if the profile contains all the information that looks like actual information and also a Less-known model’s photograph as her profile picture.
The Answer Is Simple By ‘Googling‘…:)
Yes!! You heard it Right. To Identify a fake Facebook Account, we need only two things: 1. Common sense and 2. Google. We are gonna use Google to extract information which will help us detect fake Facebook Accounts. Google image search can be searched for Information By using Any Image. This Is a Very Handy Feature Introduced By Google Known As Google Goggle.
Table of Contents
What is a Facebook fake account?
A Fake Facebook account is an account created by a person using a name and not using his original name and claiming to be a genuine person. These profiles are created to scam people and especially money scams.
How to Identify Fake Facebook Account Checklist
1. Names
Jugging a profile from the name is kind of challenging, but we can’t overlook it. Some common names often used by the person who creates a fake Facebook profile. Still there are some common names are Angel Priya, Angel Priya Singh Miller, Smith, and Brown.
These are the names of fake profiles I had an encounter with. Although it is not compulsory that the profiles with these names are fake, they might be real. However, if you get a request from these names’ Facebook profiles, then it is recommended to take extra precautions.
2. Different names in the URL
Facebook allows you to set a custom Facebook profile link which you can use to make it more rememberable. There is a limitation that you can change your Facebook profile URL at limited times only. So you can match the name in the Facebook profile with the profile link. If the person who had created a fake Facebook ID with a name and later on if he changes the name, there is a chance that the person forgot to change the profile URL. Matching can help you spot fake Facebook Accounts. Below is the reference of Different names in URL and profile
3. Profile Photo and cover photos (Facebook fake accounts)
The first thing one checks at the moment he/she gets a friend request is the profile photo of the account. No profile photo increases the chance of being a Fake profile photo. Even check which cover photo that Facebook profile had. Actress or model photos as a Facebook profile is a red signal as it 2024 where everyone accessing the internet is sharing their photos. Still, it is a personal preference whether to share his/her photos online or not.
Sometimes, rather than setting up images of famous actors or actresses, people use images of models who are not that famous. These model photos look so promising that identifying those profiles is a bit hard. While talking to that person, if he claims that the photos uploaded to the Facebook profile are real photos and not of any other actress or actor, then you can verify it.
There is a trick to search for photos over Google by uploading them using Google Image Search. Google will take uploaded photos and search for similar photos over the internet. We can verify profile pictures on the basis of Google image search results. So let us dive into the steps to identify fake Facebook pictures.
Use the Google Image Search to check for Fake Profile Pictures
To show you guys How to Check for FAKE PROFILE PICTURES We had taken a Facebook profile. If you look at the profile picture, it will look promising, but we will use Google Image Search and test it. If you have doubts about any Facebook friend and want to identify a person in the photo, follow the steps below.
Step 1 : Let us take this fake Facebook account. Here, I took this account under the name Pooja Singh.
Step 2: Open the account and download the profile. If the user locks the Facebook profile picture, you can take a screenshot of it.
Step 3 : To Download His Picture Click On The Image And Then “Save as” and Then Save It On Desktop.
Step 4: The next Thing You Have To Do is open images.google.com in your browser and click on the Camera Sign-in Search Bar, as you can see in the Image Below.
Step 5 : After that, A Small Bar will Open. Select “Upload an image”. Then Browse The Downloaded Image. And Upload that Image in Google image search.
Step 6 : After That, google will provide you a search result of that image. The search result comprises all the pages that consist of uploaded images over the internet.
Step 7 : From the Google image search result, you can see that this is not her real photo. In fact, this is a photo of a model named Roopal Tyagi. Hence, from this, we can determine fake Facebook DP. The person who claims this phots of her is also a fake person. This is the easiest way i.e. Reverse Image Search to Find Out Someone’s Name From a Picture.
4. Post shared the Facebook account
The post you share shows a part of your personality so it can consider which type of post you share to judge whether the profile is genuine or not. Before you accept the person’s friend request, check the maximum post that the profile shares. If the persons share some articles from another website, then check whether all the shared posts are from the same website. Sharing of low-quality and ad-heavy websites are commonly seen in Facebook fake accounts. The goal of creating a Fake Facebook profile is to share a low-quality website that had tons of ads. As these websites don’t provide values, they won’t rank on Google; hence, to get traffic on the website, they share on Facebook through these profiles and earn money through pop-up ads.
If more than 2 article of the same website or blog is shared then do check the owner of the website. Maybe he is the author of that blog post and he is sharing the article. You can cross-check the Facebook profile name and blog author name. You can get more details from the author box of that blog post.
5. Comments on photos and post
Another clue to get if Facebook account is fake or not is to check Comments on photos and post. Random comments or irrelevant comments on Facebook photos and post and to which, profile owner had not responded is itself a red signal. The original owner will surely reply to the comments on the post and also deletes irreverent comments from the profile.
Lack of interaction with Facebook friends and lack of relevant comments on the posted image and post also gives you a clue. A real person do talk with the person who comments on their post.
6. Number of Friends and Mutual Friends
As you receive and Friend request on Facebook prior to click on Add as a friend do check the profile friend list. If the person had added Facebook friends from all over the world and the majority of the friends are from different countries than the person’s place of living, then the person is might fishy. Even the number of friends to be considered. Check the number of friends the Facebook profile has.
Another thing that you can check is Mutual Friends. If the person who had sent a friend request on Facebook has no mutual friend than an additional check is required as this person is most likely to be fake. If there are some mutual friends between you and the person that tries to talk to that mutual friend and check whether he/she is genuine or not.
7. Conversation
Conversation and personal meeting can be the best option to know the person. Talking in person can actually show the real personality as a person can act fake while texting but won’t be able to portray the same while talking. Meeting in person might not always be feasible as on Facebook, we can actually talk to the person sitting miles away from us, but texting and talking over the phone using Facebook Messenger is still possible. Try to talk to the person and monitor chats over there. If the person is talking about installing some apps or asking for money, then you must consider that person as fake.
People create Fake Facebook profiles to do scams. They ask you to install some apps or create some fake stories and show that they are in need and make you emotional. Taking advantage of your emotions, they scam you.
These were checklists to Identify fake Facebook profiles. Make sure you don’t add people you don’t know in real life, as adding an unknown person on Facebook can also compromise your Facebook account and lead to a hacked account. Now, what should we do after knowing a fake ID? We should report a fake Facebook account.
These are checklists for Identifying fake Facebook profiles. Make sure you don’t add people you don’t know in real life, as adding an unknown person on can also compromise your Facebook account and lead to a hacked one. Now, what should we do after knowing a fake ID? We should report a fake Facebook account.
How do I report a fake Facebook account?
Step 1 : Go to the profile of the fake account.
Step 2 : Click […] under the cover photo and select Find Support or Report Profile.
Step 3 : A new window will popup consisting of several options. Select the appropriate option and click on Next.
Step 4 : You will get confirmation that you had successfully reported fake Facebook account which will look like If you think that this goes against our Community Standards, please also report it. Please note we have fewer reviewers available right now.
Step 5 : You can take additional steps as either you can block Facebook profile or Hide all from (person name) which will hide all posts posted by that person.
Step 6 : You can select a Report profile to submit to Facebook for review and tick I believe that this goes against Facebook’s Community Standards.
FAQ (Facebook fake accounts)
1. What happens when you report a Facebook account as fake?
As you report a Fake Facebook profile, they review that account activity, and if they find that the person is violating Facebook, they may also delete the Facebook account if a number of people report that Facebook account as fake.
2. How many reports are needed to close Facebook fake accounts?
Approx 10 reports are needed to close a fake Facebook account. However, this is not always true with every profile.
3. Can a person find out who reported them on Facebook?
No. There is no need to worry, as Facebook doesn’t reveal the name of the person who reports that person.
Wrapping Up
These were the steps, or we can also say as a checklist, to determine whether the Facebook profile is genuine or fake. If you are a teenager, then there is likely a higher chance of getting trapped with fake identities on Facebook, so in that case, these steps will help you to Identify a fake Facebook Account. This checklist is created by me, which may not be true for some Facebook profiles; hence, these are purely my research, so some profiles that you found fishy from the solution checklist can also be genuine ones. If you have some tips feel free to comment down. Do like our Facebook Page – Solution Exist to stay connected with us.
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