Fix This Story is unavailable Instagram (No longer available)

Have you ever come across the message this story is unavailable Instagram? In this article, we will dive into the reasons behind this story is no longer available error message and explore methods to fix these unavailable stories on Instagram.

Instagram is a great platform to share stories, photos, and reels and among those, instagram stories are very popular. However, there are instances when you come across story unavailable on Instagram error.

This Story is Unavailable Instagram

Instagram although working continuoulsy to improve user experience there are time we face various problems like Instagram video stuck on sending and Fix Instagram Voice message not playing or Sending We had posted a detailed tutorial on how to fix it.

Before we get into the reason why you get this story is no longer available on Instagram while you open some Instagram stories, let’s understand what does it means along with reasons of

What does this story is no longer available meaning?

Instagram users had encountered an error to view the story i.e. this story is no longer available while viewing someone’s Instagram story, which means you can’t view this story and this is not available for you. This simply doesn’t mean that you are blocked by the Instagram user. There are different reasons of this.

If you are frustrated with this error then continue reading the article, we had covered the reasons and how to fix this error in detail.

Reasons of This Story is unavailable Instagram

If you are wondering why you encounter This Story is unavailable on Instagram then there are different reasons for that. We had discussed all the possible reasons in this article, continue reading the article and get this story is unavailable meaning and the exact reason for ig story not available.

1. Technical Glitch of Instagram

Instagram, the hugely popular social media platform, is known for its stunning photos, engaging reel videos and live video options. However, even the most seamless platforms can encounter technical glitches. One such glitch results in Story is an unavailable error. This is not so common yet a possible reason why you get error in loading instagram stories. It’s irritating when clicked on someone’s insta story greeted with a blank screen and a message indicating that the story is no longer available.

Just like any other online platform, Instagram occasionally faces technical difficulties and temporary service issues that result in certain features malfunctioning. In such situations, there might not be much you can do except wait for the issue to be resolved by Instagram’s technical team.

instagram this story is unavailable

In this case, we recommend you wait for some time and check after a couple of hours. If this is due to a technical glitch, it will be fixed in a short time. We can’t be 100% sure about this, hence continue reading the other reasons as well and check

2. Network error in your smartphone

Poor connectivity of the internet can also be the reason resulting in this error. If you’re a frequent user of Instagram, you’ve likely encountered the frustrating Sorry, this story is unavailable message at some point. This network error can be incredibly annoying, especially when it happens with multiple stories in your feed.

This story is unavailable Instagram blocked

If your smartphone is not connected to a stable Wi-Fi network or if your mobile data signal is weak, you are more likely to experience issues loading stories on Instagram. In such cases, try connecting to a different Wi-Fi network or resetting your mobile network can help you to fix that.

3. Instagram story has expired

Instagram story is a feature allows users to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. However, sometimes users may encounter an error message stating “this story is unavailable” or “Instagram story has expired.”

This can be frustrating for those who may have missed out on viewing a story that they were interested in or for those who wanted to revisit a particular story at a later time. This error message typically occurs when the story has already reached its 24-hour expiration period and has been removed from the user’s profile.

3. The Instagram story was deleted by the account (Story Down by user)

Instagram has become an integral part of our lives, serving as a platform for us to connect with friends, and share moments and stories that matter to us. However, there are times when we stumble upon a captivating story only to find it deleted by the account holder.

This can be disappointing for users who may have missed out the story. As users, we might wonder why someone would go through the trouble of posting something just to delete it later.

4. Account privacy change to Private Instagram account

As a part of Instagram account privacy, users can have a private or a public Instagram account. When an account is set to private, only approved followers can see the user’s posts. If a user had posted story when the account is public, everyone on Instagram can view story on instagram where they are in the following list of that Instagram user or not.

ig story not available

After posting the story as a public account, if the user changes it to a private account, that posted Instagram story becomes not available. So if you are wondering why ig story unavailable this might be the reason. To check if this is due to an Instagram account privacy change, open the user Instagram profile and check if the account is private or not.

5. Story is hidden from you

Instagram under the privacy section, allows user to choose whom they want to show the Instagram stories. if the story you watched earlier and now it is showing as this story is unavailable Instagram then there is a possibility that the person who uploaded the story had made it hidden from you.

Instagram with it close friends option, you can choose whom you want to share.

6. User had blocked you on Instagram

Instagram allows users to block other profiles on Instagram which makes their profile no longer available to the blocked person and they can’t follow them, can’t message them and even can’t view profile pictures. This can be another possible reason why you are getting this Instagram story no longer available.

So this is another reason of getting is story not available if the account owner has blocked you can’t view their story.

6. Instagram had down the story

Instagram guidelines, policies and restrictions is becoming strict day by day to improve user experience. Why Instagram removes stories? When Instagram finds users shared content violates of Instagram’s terms of service, they take down Instagram story. From posting explicit content or copyrighted material without permission to engaging in harassment, there are various valid reasons for a story removal that aim to maintain user safety and uphold community standards.

In this case, if on Instagram you cannot view the story there is a possibility that story has been removed by the platform and you are getting an Instagram story unavailable message.

How to fix this story no longer available

As we had seen that there are different reasons why you get this Instagram story not available and so do the methods to fix this error. Similar types of solutions had been fixed Couldn’t load image tap to retry instagram also Here are the solution to fix this Instagram story error.

1. Switch from WiFi to Data

Basic problem why users get this error is your wifi is not working properly and due to no proper internet connectivity, your Instagram story is not loading properly and because of that you are getting this error. To solution to this is to check if your internet is working properly or not and you can try switching from data to Wifi or vice versa and check if your problem is fixed or not.

ig story unavailable

If changing wifi connection to switching to data had not fixed your problem then your problem is not because of unstable internet connection.

2. Check the Instagram server status.

Another root cause of this error is found as the Instagram server is down. As there are lots of users, sometimes Instagram server are not able to handle the traffic and resulting in Instagram being down in some regions. You can check Twitter or website downtime check whether other Instagram users are facing error in accessing Instagram or not.

A tool that we use to check if the website is down or not is to use DownForEveryOrJustMe.

ig story not available

3. Try login into another device or use computer to login to account

Sometimes it’s because of your smartphone. It is observed that in Instagram account, the No Posts Yet error is also because of some smartphone glitch. So check this, you can try login your Instagram account in some other smartphone and check if it is fixed or not. If you don’t have access to any other smartphone, you can try login to the internet browser Chrome in smartphone and you can use the computer to login to your account in the web browser.

After login on another device, you can check if the story is available for you or not.

4. Update the Instagram app

Sometimes, Instagram stop support to the older version and this results in different errors. The solution to this is to keep your Instagram app updated to the latest version. Although auto update on Android phone is activated by default some users don’t want to get their apps on auto-update and hence sometimes they use older versions of app unknowingly. Here are the steps you need to follow to update the Instagram app to the latest version.

Step 1 : Firsly unlock your smartphone and open google play from the app drawer

Step 2 : Now search for instagram and open it. You can even open installed app from the google play menu.

Step 3 : Here you will see two options, open and Update. (If your Instagram app is updated, you won’t get the update option)

Step 4 : Tap on the update button and your app will be updated to the latest version after download completes.

Step 5 : Now open the Instagram app and check if you are able to view Instagram story or not. If not, then continue reading the steps.

5. Clear Instagram cache in the phone

Another solution is to reset your Instagram app and to do so, you can start with clearing the Instagram app cache. After clearing the cache of Instagram check if your problem is fixed or not.

This Story is No Longer Available

In case, you are still stuck with the error, you can try uninstalling the Instagram app and reinstalling it by downloading from google Play Store.

FAQs (This Story is Unavailable Instagram)

1. Why am I seeing the This Story is unavailable message on Instagram?

Different reasons can be behind this error and they are listed below.

2. Is there a way to save an Instagram story before it expires?

No, Instagram doesn’t provide any option to save Instagram story but there are apps that provide you the option to do download story.

3. How can I report an issue with an unavailable story on Instagram?

You can report any issues you encounter with the This Story is unavailable message through Instagram’s Help Center or by contacting their support team directly.

4. Will I be notified if someone deletes their story that I’ve already viewed?

No, Instagram does not notify users when a story they’ve viewed is deleted by the owner.

5. Can someone remove their own story before it expires?

Yes, users have the option to delete their own stories at any time before they expire.

6. Does this story is unavailable mean I’m blocked?

This story is no longer available error can’t be only because you are blocked. There are other reasons as well such as Technical Glich, server down, story deleted by the user or by instagram and many more.

7. How long do Instagram stories last before they expire?

Answer: Instagram stories typically last for 24 hours before they automatically disappear.

Wrapping Up

This was the detailed tutorial on why you face This Story is unavailable Instagram and what the possible reason behind This Story is no longer available. If you are facing any problems in following the tutorial, feel free to use the comment section. We will help you to fix that and in case you know any other reason why does it say story unavailable on Instagram then do share it with us. Till then do follow us on Facebook and on Instagram.

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Ronak Prajapatit is a Chemical Engineer by profession and a Part-Time blogger. He is a passionate tech blogger who likes to share his knowledge and helped to troubleshoot problems of computers and PC.

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