Google Chrome error Your Connection is not private [Solution]

It is very annoying when you are in search of something important and you face a Google Chrome error your connection is not private. If you are in search of a solution then this post is for you. Learn how to Fix Your Connection Is Not Private in android and windows.

Google Chrome is among the top internet browsers and commonly used by people to surf the web. Google Chrome is not only commonly used software for computers but the majority of Android phone users also used Google chrome in android phone. If you are using Google Chrome as a browser in Windows 7 or Windows 10 then you must have faced errors in the Google Chrome browser.

I use Google Chrome browser to browse the Internet and I have faced this error in Google Chrome several times. Recently I faced both of these errors in my computer and concerning that Solution exist had posted How to Enable Memory Saver Mode in Chrome.

Fix Your Connection Is Not Private Google Chrome Error,your connection is not private windows 10,google chrome error,fix google chrome error,fix your connection is not private, solve our connection is not private

Solution Exist had actively covered various Google chrome error and provided a solution for to errors. In case you are new here you can consider reading the Solution Exist blog regarding

What causes your connection is not private?

There are tons of websites over internet but not all are safe. Security is a major concern as many websites out there want to seal information, wants to install malware and viruses into the system. To protect internet users, web browser shows a warning prior to userland over the website and check if the connection is secure or not. The easiest way google chrome uses to check if website is secure or not is by checking the HTTPS certificate. If the website doesn’t have SSL certificate or it is expired then you are likely to encounter a connection is not private error.

There are other types of Google Chrome SSL Certificate errors on

  • Your connection is not private

There are lots of factors responsible for the occurrence of this error in google chrome. All the responsible factors are briefly described with solutions. Without wasting more time start reading the below steps

How to Fix your connection is not private google chrome error

You may be seeing the dreaded “This site is not secure” message in Google Chrome. This is because the site you’re visiting doesn’t have an SSL Certificate. If you’re getting SSL certificate errors when you try to browse the web with Google Chrome, you may have a problem with your SSL certificate. Here are some ways to fix the problem.

1. Fix Time and Date – Wrong date and time

This wrong date and time seem to be funny but this may be probable cause for this “Your connection is not secure Google Chrome”. Most of the website use security certificate which has an expiry date. If the time and date of your computer is not correct, you may encounter with such error in chrome while opening the website. To fix this issue do the below-listed steps

Way to change date and time on Windows

Step 1 – First right-click on the clock (i.e date and time placed on right side of the task bar) and select Adjust date/time.

Step 2 – New window will open, from that menu turn on set time automatically.

Fix Your Connection Is Not Private Google Chrome Error,your connection is not private windows 10,google chrome error,fix google chrome error,fix your connection is not private, solve our connection is not private

In this way, you time and date will be corrected in windows.

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2. Antivirus block SSL Connection – Fix google chrome error

The antivirus installed in your computer also checked whether the website is having SSl certificate or not. This might be the reason for getting Your connection is not secure error in Google Chrome. To get rid of this you can turn off the HTTPS check of your antivirus. In this post, I will show you how to turn off HTTPS check-in avast antivirus.

  1. Firstly open setting of Avast antivirus
  2. Select Components from the left panel, then click Customize next to Web Shield.
  3. Untick the box next to Enable HTTPS scanning to turn the feature off.

NOTE: If you only want to exclude specific sites from scanning, select Exclusions from the left panel, and add the URLs of the sites that you want to exclude from scanning to the URLs to exclude section. This excludes both HTTP and HTTPS pages at the specified domain from scanning. For more information about setting exclusions, refer to the following article:

Excluding certain files or websites from scanning in Avast Antivirus

Inference:  If you are using other antivirus the comment down below, I will post the method for that antivirus also.

3. Disable chrome extensions to fix chrome ssl certificate error

Google Chrome allows you to install the Chrome extension which allows you to perform task which you can’t do in chrome. Sometimes these chrome extensions are not developed by the well coder and can cause errors in chrome and among them SSL certificate errors can be one of them. To check if this error is caused by the Chrome extension then you can try Disabling all the extensions.

Step 1 : Firstly open Google Chrome and click on the option button

Step 2 : To turn off an extension, uncheck the box next to “Enabled.” You can also click Remove to delete an extension completely.

Step 3 : Some extensions are only available on your computer while you’re signed in to your account. If you turn off an extension that’s only available while signed in, it will be turned off for all accounts on that computer.

If your problem with SSL Security Certificate Errors in Chrome is not solved, continue with the post.

4. Invalid Google chrome Cache and Cookies files – Solve google chrome error

If you don’t clear the cookies and cache of your internet browser, it can also result in an SSL certificate error. To solve this issue you need to clear your cache and cookie. To clear the cache and cookies of Google Chrome browser follow the below steps

Step 1 – Click on the Three dots placed in the top right corner of the Google Chrome browser.

Step 2 – Now click on setting and Advance place in last (Bottom).

Step 3 – Click on clear browsing data in the Privacy and Security menu.

Your connection is not private Mac

Step 4 – Tick all the option and clear cookies and data.

Step 5 – Now restart chrome and again try to visit the website, your problem will be solved..!!

If you are lazy like me to delete history then this article is for you Automatically Delete Browsing History In Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox And Internet Explorer This article will help you to clean the internet browser software cache by itself.

5. Expired SSL Certificates

As earlier discussed in the wrong date and time section the website use a security certificate. Exceptional cases in which website owners forgot to renew the SSL certificate resulted in expired SSL certificate rise in subjected error in Google Chrome. In this case, there is nothing you can do to get rid of this Google Chrome error.

6. Clear SSL State Cache

An SSL cache is a temporary storage location for data that has been encrypted using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. The cache can be used to speed up the process of encrypting and decrypting data by storing frequently accessed data in a location that is easily accessible. SSL caches are typically located on web servers and can be configured to store data for a specific period of time.

Sometimes these SSL stare caches can cause problems like NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID or SSL certificate error in chrome. here are the steps that you can follow to clear SSL State cache.

1. You need to open RUN in Windows and to do so, press start and search for RUN or you can try alternate methods i.e Press Windows Key + R. In RUN, type inetcpl.cpl , and press Enter.

err_bad_ssl_client_auth_cert fix

2. A new dialogue box, Internet Properties will open, click on the Content tab and then click on the Clear SSL state button.

Fix SSL Security Certificate Errors in Chrome

3. Now close all the windows or dialogue boxes and restart your computer.

Now check if your problem of SSL Security Certificate Errors in Chrome is solved or not.

7. Terminate google chrome task | Fix SSL Security Certificate Errors in Chrome

Sometimes it may happen that some task itself makes trouble for google chrome and results in an error. To solve this error you need to terminate the Google Chrome task. To terminate chrome task follow the below steps.

Step 1 – Click on start or press the Windows button and type Command Prompt.

Step 2 – Now open the command prompt and type the below command and press enter.

TASKKILL /IM chrome.exe /F
Expired SSL Certificates chrome

Now open google chrome and reload the website and check, if your problem is fixed or not. If not then proceed with the following solution.

8. Adding “-ignore-certificate-errors” in Chrome Shortcut

If you have tried all the above methods to resolve the Google Chrome error You Connection is not private method and still you are facing the problem then you can try adding ignore certificate error in chrome shortcut method.

To add ignore certificate error follow the below steps

Step 1 – Right-click on Desktop Shortcut of Chrome and go to Properties.

Step 2 – In Target section, add the “-ignore-certificate-errors” at the end of the written text.

Fix Your Connection Is Not Private Google Chrome Error,your connection is not private windows 10,google chrome error,fix google chrome error,fix your connection is not private, solve our connection is not private

Step 3 – Click on Apply button, followed by OK.

In this way, you can -ignore-certificate-errors in Google Chrome. This method will never show a warning on any insecure website and hence not recommended practice.

Your connection is not private fix the android

If you are an Android user and you are facing a Chrome connection error then you can read the following tutorial to fix it in your Android smartphone Chrome browser.

1. Correct time and date in android

Chrome for security reasons checks date and time and if it is not correct, it usually shows error such as google warning your connection is not private. So to fix this issue, the first step is to check if your Android phone date and time is correct. Unlock you phone and check if your android phone is showing the correct date and time. If not then follow the belows tutorial to correct date and time.

Step 1 : Unlock your phone and go to additional setting and then tap on time and date.

Step 2 : In time and date, check on the network provided time and use the network provided time zone.

correct date and time

This option will synchronize date and time to you current time zone. After correcting your time and data, open Google Chrome Android and check whether the problem is fixed or not.

2. Clear cached in Chrome Android

It is recommended to clean caches and browse data regularly. In some cases, this stored cache can cause various errors among those, connection is not private in Android is one of them. Here are the steps to fix the cache in Chrome android in easy steps.

Step 1 : Unlock the Android phone and open the Google Chrome app in your phone.

Step 2 : Tap on three-dot setting button and then tap on Privacy and security.

Step 3 : Now tap on Clear browsing data.

Step 4 : Now Tap on the advanced section, and select All time in the time range.

Step 5 : Now check all the options and then tap on Clear Data.


In this way, you can clear browsing data. Now close Chrome, restart it and check if your error is fixed or not.

3. Disable antivirus in Android

Anti-virus installed in your Android phone can cause this warning that the connection is not private. If you don’t trust the website showing this error then it is not recommended to visit those websites.

Unlock your phone and search for the installed antivirus installed on your phone. Open it and disable it. After disabling the antivirus, try to open the website in Chrome and check if your problem is fixed or not.

In this way, you can fix this issue on an android phone. Don’t forget to tell us which methods helped you to fix this issue in the comment section.

FAQ (how to stop your connection is not private chrome)

1. Why we get Your connection is not private attackers might be trying to steal your information?

Ans – You will get this error when you try to load a website which does not have a valid certificate installed on the site.

2. Why does it say attackers might be trying to steal your information?

Ans – Google chrome popup this error because the webpage you are trying to surf doesn’t have an HTTPS certificate which is considered safe. If the connection is not secure, there is a possibility that your information can be compromised.

3. Fix your connection is not private android?

Ans – Like on a computer, you can also face this error in Chrome for the Android app. The solution to fix this is to check your phone’s date and time, clear browser cache and cookies, and try disabling the antivirus app that you are using.

4. How to fix invalid certificate error in Google Chrome and Firefox

If you are facing SSL certificate error in Chrome’, you can check the data and time of the system,Reset your network, Clear Chrome’s cache and cookies, and try disabling extensions and if none of the solution works, do reset chome.

5. How do I bypass certificate errors in chrome?

Yes, you can bypass certificate errors in chrome by Adding “-ignore-certificate-errors” in Chrome.

Wrapping Up

These were some methods that will fix Google Chrome error Your Connection is not private windows 10. If you still face the same problem then use the comment section and let us know. We will help you to deal with this error. If you want fast help to deal with computer error or android error then join our Facebook Group and like our Facebook Page – Solution Exist.

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Ronak Prajapatit is a Chemical Engineer by profession and a Part-Time blogger. He is a passionate tech blogger who likes to share his knowledge and helped to troubleshoot problems of computers and PC.

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