WhatsApp has started rolling payments feature i.e WhatsApp UPI payment option to it Whatsapp beta users. Activating this feature will enable you to send money using WhatsApp by using UPI payment option.
Today if you are not a WhatsApp beta user then you might not see payment feature. Don’t worry., we will help you to Activate WhatsApp Payments Feature in your mobile.

To use this WhatsApp payment option you need to click in the attachment option. But not all has this feature activated in whatsapp. This feature is now in the testing section and hence not available for all right now.
To activate payments option in WhatsApp you need someone who has this option activated in him/her WhatsApp account. If he/ her invite you /send you money through WhatsApp UPI then this WhatsApp payments feature will be activated in your WhatsApp account.
WhatsApp calling feature was also activated through the same process in which to activate WhatsApp calling feature solution exist had helped the followers by calling them. This time also We will help you to activate this on your account by inviting you. So without wasting more time let’s jump into the tutorial.
What is Whatsapp Payments and How to use Whatsapp Payment?
Whatsapp by launching Whatsapp payment has entered in UPI race and faced direct competition with other UPI payment apps like BHIM, TEZ PHONEPAY, and Paytm.
This WhatsApp payment option will help you to send money through WhatsApp.
To send money through WhatsApp firstly you need to activate WhatsApp Payments in your WhatsApp account. After activating UPi payments feature you need to set up your Bank account.
Step 1 : Firstly Tap on options after opening WhatsApp.
Step 2 : Now Tap on Payments.
Step 3 : After that you need to verify your number. WhatsApp will send SMS (SMS charge will be apply).
Step 4 : After sending SMS your will get list of Bank accounts. Tap on the bank account which is linked with the phone number.
Step 5 : And you are done…!! You had successfully linked bank account account with Whatsapp UPI.
Step 6 : Now to send money through WhatsApp open the person chat to whom you want to send money. Click on attachments.
Step 7 : Now Enter the amount and click on sen to send money through WhatsApp.
This was a simple tutorial on how to send money through WhatsApp.
How to activate whatsapp payments feature in whatsapp account
Step 1 : Firstly you need to update your whatsapp to the latest version from Google Playstore.
Step 2 : To update your WhatsApp apk open the Play store and in the search bar type Whatsapp now open it and tap on Update.
Step 3 : If you see Open in place of Update it shows your whatsapp is already up-to-date.
Step 4 : Now you need someone who had WhatsApp payment activated in his/her account. Well you are with a solution exist follower than this step is easy for you.
Step 5 : Just click on this link and you will be able to message me on my whatsapp number.
Link To message Solution Exist- https://goo.gl/o1k8Aa
Now message is being delivered to me. I will invite you and this feature will be activated in your account.
Checkout – WhatsApp Tricks Tips Hacks For Android & iPhone
Wrapping Up
This was the article on how to activate whatsapp payments feature in whatsapp account and how to setup whatsapp payments option. This option will help you. If you faced any problem feel free to use comment section. For instant reply you can ask to our Facebook page Solution Exist or you can join our Facebook page. Hit the subscribe button to our YouTube channel – Solution Exist
Its really working..he is a nice guy
He did it within one minute. Awsome
Thanks for the compliment..!!
Awesome man. Got a reply within a minute. Hats off to you bro.
Works like a charm! Thanks bro (y)
their whatsapp invite work
Got an invite! Thanks! 🙂
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