Youtube Comment Failed To Post Solution

Youtube comment failed to post? While commenting you youtube, you might have faced youtube comment failed to post. Today in this post we have a solution to this. We love to share our opinions in terms of speech or words. If you are not so camera-friendly, you must be sharing your thoughts through comments on social media. Facebook comments, comments on websites, comments on youtube videos are common nowadays. Previously we had posted a tutorial on how to post youtube comment in italics and today, we are going to see how to fix youtube comment failed to post.

If you are a YouTuber then you must know the importance of YouTube comments as it increase engagement on video which is one of the vital ranking factors. This is the reason, why YouTubers are making their audience to comment on post. We had posted various articles related to YouTube like how to speed up YouTube videos buffering which will help you to increase the buffering speed of the video.

Comments are not limited to share your opinions, it also can be used to ask for help. If you are stuck up with some problem and you search for solution on Youtube, you can use comments to apricate the YouTuber for the content or you need can ask for some help.

Youtube comment failed to post Solution

On Quora, you can express your thoughts and share your opinions on threads to give and get help back also. The whole concept of Quora is to post your query or question related you any topic and users on Quora i.e members on Quora will comment on the question thread and help you the suggestions. The thing to notice is comment are useful to

Why youtube comment failed to post?

Youtube is a video platform that is working to make its network strong and secure. Several reasons can be behind the comment that failed to post on youtube error on YouTube. The reason for this error on YouTube can be many. We had listed all the possibilities along with the solution. Follow those steps and fix the error.

What to do if Your Comment Won’t Post on YouTube

Youtube failed to post comment can be an error that can annoy you and also ruin the Youtube experience. I had faced this error many times hence we had created a tutorial posted to fix this error.

Youtube comment failed to post Solution

As described earlier, there are several reasons for getting this error. Follow the possible reasons and methods to fix error one by one to fix it and get your YouTube comment posted on YouTube video.

Solution 1 : Re-login to YouTube account

Sometimes the solution for the big problem is too simple to think, like login to a YouTube account. Over time if cookies and cache if not deleted it may cause comment failed to post YouTube error. In that case, you need to logged out account and re-login using YouTube account login credentials.

Steps to Re-login to Youtube account.

  1. Open the youtube website on the computer.
  2. Now click on the account icon, placed at the top right corner to open a drop-down menu
  3. Now click on sign out and you are successfully logged out from YouTube.
  4. Now refresh the webpage and again click on the Sign In button.
  5. Enter your Google account credential and you are logged in.

Try after re-login if your problem is fix or not. If not then proceed with the following methods.

Solution 2: Disable Youtube Adblocking Extension

Google Chrome offers a feature of extension that allows you to have additional features in the chrome browser. Everyone agrees that ads in youtube videos are painful to watch and are annoying. Adblock extensions are available over Chrome Web Store that allow you to enjoy ads-free youtube videos.

Youtube continuously blocks these adblocking extensions and if such Chrome extensions are enabled, the user faces different errors that basically restrict the user to use features of YouTube like black screen while playing videos, youtube comment error, search option not working, not able to like video on youtube and many more. In this case, you need to disable YouTube Adblock extensions.

Steps to disable extension in Google Chrome.

Step 1 – Open Google Chrome on the computer and click on the three-dot button at the top right corner

Step 2 –Now hover on More tools and click on Extensions

disable chrome extension

Step 3 – New windows will be open showing all the installed Google Chrome extensions.

Step 4 – Deactivate Adblock extensions and remove them

Now check if you are able to post comments on YouTube or not. Most probably, your YouTube comment problem will be solved, if not then move to other following solutions.

Solution 3 : Disable VPN or Proxy servers from the computer – Comment Won’t Post on YouTube

VPN and proxy servers are used by the users to watch region-locked videos on youtube. If you comment on multiple times on youtube video of while using youtube on VPN, youtube considers this as spammy. Frequently login youtube account using VPN changes IP which is considered are task performed by bots. Fake YouTube comments and fake YouTube views work in the same way, so you may face youtube “comment failed to post”

Solution 4 : Play video for sometime and then post YouTube comment

Hate in YouTube is also increasing along with creators on youtube. People often show hate to their competitors through comments. People just open and play videos just to comment negatively or dislike without even playing the video for few seconds. YouTube algorithm is getting smart and to prevent this, sometimes it through comment failed to post on youtube if you are identified to do so.

In this case, whether you are doing such things or not, you need to play video for at least 30% or 30 sec before commenting.

Solution 5 : Clear browsing data of the browser

When we use the web browser to surf the internet whether it is on mobile or computer, browsers save data. These saved data of websites helps browsers to load websites fast and improve user’s experience. Sometimes these saved data, instead of helping it creates problems and throughs errors. we had seen the different errors in Google Chrome like dns_probe_finished_no_internet is due to browsing data of chrome only. In this case, comment failed to post in youtube can be the result of this.

Solution 6 : Use another platform (app / desktop version)

It happens that if you computer is affected by virus, you are not able to post comments in the YouTube video. Sometimes these adwares not allowed you to login into your account as well. To check whether the problem is with computer you can try using other plarform like Youtube app. Here are the steps written that you should follow.

  1. Open android or iPhone mobile and open the youtube official app.
  2. Login to YouTube account using google account credentials.
  3. Now open any video and try to post comments.

If you are able to post comment on YouTube using app then this is the problem of your computer. You can read a detailed tutorial on How to remove adwares from PC.

Solution 7 : Update desktop

If you are not on an updated web browser then you can face different errors like webpage are not loading and many more. Users had reported that they face errors while placing comments on youtube if they are not on the updated version of Google Chrome. It is always recommended to update your web browser to have a safe internet experience. Open the web browser, and go to about section and click on update to update the software.

Solution 8 : Try another browser

We mostly use anyone browser to surf the internet. Sometimes it’s not you, it is because of the browser. To check whether this is due to the internet browser then you must try to login to YouTube using another browser. If you are using Google chrome then try switching the internet browser to Mozilla Firefox, Opera or Microsoft Edge.

Fix can’t post comments on YouTube on Android

If you are using Youtube to watch videos in mobile and facing errors while posting comments on youtube on the youtube android app then here are the possible errors and solutions to fix them.

Solution 1 – Clear YouTube app data and cache

Like we had seen the stored caches and cookies of YouTube apps can result in various errors and can’t post comments on YouTube can be one of them. It is always recommended to clear cache in android phone regularly to get optimum performance of the android phone.

Steps to clear cache of YouTube app

Step 1 – Unlock your smartphone and open setting.

Step 2 –Now search for installed apps option and open it. Now scroll and search for Youtube.

Step 3 -Tap on YouTube app and then select Clear Cache.

Now open the YouTube app and check whether your problem is fixed or not. If not follow the following ways to fix it.

Solution 2 – Relogging in YouTube app | Fix YouTube comment error

It is seen that Re-login to the youtube app also fixed various error related to YouTube. So you try relogging to your youtube account and check if your error is fixed or not.

  1. In your Android phone, open the phone setting.
  2. Search for Apps or Installed app and tap on it. Here you will see list of apps installed on your phone.
  3. Scroll and search for Youtube and tap on it.
  4. Click on clear data and you are logged out of your account.

Now open the YouTube app and try to comment on the video to check if your problem is fixed or not.

Solution 3 – Reinstall Youtube app

This is the last option that we need to do if all the above solution doesn’t work. Error with the YouTube app can cause this problem, hence to fix it, we need to reinstall the youtube app on an android phone. Here are the steps to uninstall and install the Youtube app on an android phone.

  1. Unlock smartphone and open phone setting
  2. Now search for Apps or Installed app and tap on it. Here you will see list of apps installed in your phone
  3. Scroll and search for Youtube and tap on it.
  4. Now click on uninstall and in this way, you can uninstall the youtube app. (If your smartphone had pre-installed the youtube app then you can’t uninstall it. You need to click on Disable which will reset to the default version of app)
  5. Now open the Google Play Store and search for YouTube and install it, You can even click Download Youtube app to install it.

FAQ (Frequently asked Question) | Comment failed to post on Youtube

1. How to comment on YouTube?

Youtube allows you to post comments on videos and two things that are mandatory is
1. You must be logging in.
2. Video owner had enabled comment.

If two of these are fulfilled, you can use the comment section to post comments on youtube.

2. YouTube comment failed to post?

A number of reasons are there to get errors while commenting on YouTube and all the reasons are listed in the post. Do read and follow all the steps to fix youtube comment problem.

4. Why does YouTube say failed to post a comment when replying?

YouTube had a comment reply limit of 500 comment reply limit. If you exceed the limit, you won’t be able to reply to a comment.

5. See my comments on YouTube?

Use the comment text area to write a comment and hit enter to post the comment. Once the comment is posted, you will be able to see your comment on the YouTube video.

Wrapping Up

These were the method to fix Youtube comment failed to post, follow all the steps in sequence, and share where your query of youtube comment failed to post? is fixed or not. We had covered various tech articles on youtube like play youtube videos in the background in android. If you have any other qurey then feel free to use the comment section, we will help you to deal with it and for a faster response, you can join the Facebook group Android And Windows Errors Solution also follow Solution Exist Facebook page to get yourself updated to the latest post.

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Ronak Prajapatit is a Chemical Engineer by profession and a Part-Time blogger. He is a passionate tech blogger who likes to share his knowledge and helped to troubleshoot problems of computers and PC.

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